Do you need to be get motivated? Do you have goals? Do you want to
achieve a greater level of success? Are you frustrated because you just
can't seem to get what you really want out of life? Or, are you just plain bored and want more fun, adventure, and excitement in your life? |
The answer
to these questions is very commonly "yes" for many people. And we all
need a bit of a boost - most of the time on a regular and frequent basis
- to make the best of our potential and be successful, wealthy, and
Motivation can be defined as ... "the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something", "the condition of being eager to act or work", or "the general desire or willingness of someone to do something".
One problem, though, is the fact that our fast-paced, technology-driven world today actually is contributing to "boredom" and is generally hurting our ability to get motivated (and stay motivated).
Motivation is, basically, the desire to do things. Getting motivated can make the difference between waking up before dawn, excited to get the day started versus laying around the house all day, watching TV.
It's the crucial element in setting and attaining goals - and research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation.
First, though, you must know what you want in life - and then create goals and an action plan to get what you want. That starts, fundamentally, with what I call your personal Definition of Happiness.
I have created an easy way to get that done. Just click on the "Get Instant Access" button below to find out what really makes you happy, then read on to keep getting motivated to actually achieve that happiness (and all your goals and desires). In addition to creating your Definition of Happiness, I'll send you a free gift, too. Just click on the "Get Instant Access" button here:
Once you know what you want, motivation is then the core of all action to get what you want. Whether you succeed, fail or lead depends upon your motivation to make things happen.
And, as you probably already know, motivation comes from both inside us (self-motivation or internal motivation) and from outside us (external motivation). Internal motivation relates to what we need (or even perceive we need), what we want, how we think and our emotions in general. |
And, some experts say that the first step to getting motivated is to "be happy". Happy people are inherently more motivated, which is one of the reasons why happy people are wealthier, have better relationships, are more successful, exercise more, are healthier, and live longer than unhappy people.
So, to take the first step toward a higher level of internal (self) motivation, use the tools, techniques and strategies here at BeHappy101.com to start living your happiest possible life. Begin by getting the Definition of Happiness Creator mentioned above. And, while you're at it, get a free copy of my foundational book - BeHappy! - by clicking here.
Proper Nutrition... Another way we are getting increasingly "lazy" and de-motivated is through our nutrition today. Yes, what we eat can be a huge factor in how we feel, both physically and mentally. And, unfortunately, our diet today is horrible. Some experts now believe our nutrition is one of the main causes of depression. Click here to learn more. |
So, if you want another boost to your internal "motivation", change your diet if you're currently not eating the best, healthiest foods.
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Setting Goals: Another great source of "motivation" is to set goals for your life. This can be another one of those "easier said than done" issues, since sometimes it requires motivation to set goals in the first place. Again, it is beyond the scope of this article to discuss goal setting strategies, so click here to get a whole series of articles on goal setting.
External motivation comes from others, like hiring a personal trainer to "motivate you" to exercise or lose weight or getting a coach to help you be happier. These external motivators can help "push" you to achieve just about anything, even when you don't feel like it.
interesting thing about using "external" motivational strategies like
trainers, coaches, and motivational products is that, after a while,
these external motivating techniques become "internal" (by becoming
So, in addition to the "personal touch" of using trainers and coaches to help motivate you, check out some of the many great...
Products to Help You Get Motivated!
These motivation products are designed to not only motivate, but truly alter your reality by "pushing" you to take action and achieve anything you want in life; whether that relates to success, money, relationships, business, peace-of-mind ... or just overall happiness.
These external motivators, if used properly (and regularly) are great ways to help you get motivated and stay motivated.
A digital picture frame, for example, is something I use to keep positive memories "in front of me" throughout every day. You can get one right now by going to the bottom of this page or just by clicking here. Wall plaques, with motivational sayings, are another great way to keep motivation at the top of your mind regularly. It really helps, so...
Check out some of these powerful motivation products here:
Just click on the "Order FREE Now!" button above to get all three of these great books absolutely free as a 'thank you' gift from me.
Posters and Wall Art...
![]() This powerful, proven technology can help you:
![]() Check out this technology right now and get some valuable FREE BONUSES ($45 value), including the e-book, The Truth About Subliminal Messaging Click here to learn more about this incredible motivational and success technology. |
Health & Fitness Motivation...
For anything else you may need to make you happier and more motivated, I would appreciate it if you would shop through amazon by using the search box here. It costs you nothing extra and helps me keep this website up and running to help improve people's lives. Or, just keep shopping below for more great motivational products... |
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![]() Reality Creation Secrets is a complete "program" designed to help you "Tap Into The Ultimate Power of The Universe To Create The Perfect Reality You Desire! Manifest Super Riches, Happiness and The Very Best Life You Could Ever Enjoy!" ... with Reality Creation Secrets: How to Achieve All Your Desires! Click here to check this out for yourself |
NOTE: Everything you buy through this website helps support my mission to be a positive, creative force for health and happiness by providing a small contribution (commission) from the seller. It costs you nothing extra. |
If the information on this site helps you and you'd like to make a donation to BeHappy101.com (to help make others happy), please click on the button below to make a contribution. The amount you donate is entirely up to you. A portion will used to contribute to the happiness of others and is greatly appreciated. [WHY DONATE?] |