Live Longer and Be Happy!

3 Steps to Live to 100
(while reducing your chances of disease and the need for prescription medications)

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From a health and wellness perspective, we are in trouble.  Big trouble. 

It is estimated that by 2030 approximately 50% of the U.S. population will be obese and over 30% will be suffering from diabetes.  And, the rest of the world is not far behind. 

Cancer and heart-disease are similarly on the rise - as is Alzheimer's disease, asthma, auto-immune diseases, depression, and more.

Another alarming statistic is that 5 out of 6 people over the age of 70 are on at least 4 chronic prescription drugs.

Many people just consider this the norm these days.  "It's just the way it is as we get older", they say.

I hope you are not one of the people who believes that.  I also hope you are a person who is prepared to make some relatively simple changes to reduce the chances of that happening.  Maybe that's why you are here on this page.  If so, then follow these 3 simple steps to live to be 100, without the need for prescription medication:

Step 1: Get the Right Information

It is critical that you get the right information as the first step in the process to health and longevity.

Yes, over the past couple of years we have started to find solid evidence to indicate that many of the nutrition and health information we regarded as facts for the past several decades may not be true at all.  For example, we used to think that:

A low fat diet is the healthiest diet and the best for weight loss

High cholesterol is the cause of heart and vascular disease

Red meat is bad for you and should be avoided

Whole grains are healthy and should be eaten regularly

In addition, we have had no clue on how to prevent cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's Disease, depression, and autoimmune disease - and have had made little progress in treating these illnesses successfully.

What we are finding out now is that:


A higher fat, low carbohydrate diet is the healthiest (and best for maintaining an ideal body weight)

High cholesterol is not the cause of heart and vascular disease, but rather inflammation is the cause (makes cholesterol stick to the blood vessels)

Red meat, in the correct form (for example, grass-fed beef) is healthy

Whole grains are somewhat unhealthy since they cause rapid increases in inflammation by increasing glucose and insulin production

So, first, start learning the truth here...

Live Longer, Live Healthier,
and Be Happier

with this new Ebook.

Get it now for just $1.99

Learn why the weight loss, disease prevention, and nutritional information we have regarded as "facts" for decades may not be true - and how you can improve your health and your lifespan dramatically with some simple changes.

Step 2: Reduce Inflammation in Your Body

As mentioned above, inflammation is being found to be the basic cause of many diseases killing people today.  Diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzherimer's Disease, and even depression all possibly have the same common cause - which is inflammation in the body.

The subject is certainly very complex - and controversial - but we must start somewhere.  So again, first, get my eBook, A Guide to Healthy Living, for just $1.99 (or you can get it FREE by clicking here).  It will help you start understanding some of the concepts and strategies to live happier, healthier, longer, and with a lower likelihood of having to take prescription drugs for the rest of your life.

Next, start eating foods that are anti-inflammatory rather than inflammatory (my ebook provides some of the specifics on this).  In addition, consider taking an anti-oxidant supplement.  The best one I know is Isotonix OPC-3.  You can learn more about it in the box to the right...

Step 3: Change Your "Aging Mindset"

Once you have started to take the action necessary in steps 1 and 2 above, it is critical to change your mindset about aging.  

As mentioned previously, we can't accept getting diseases and taking multiple prescription drugs as a fact of life as we age.  Similarly, we can actually slow down the aging process, and live longer as well, by changing our internal mental programming (our aging mindset).  The classic book by Deepak Chopra, called Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, is a great way to start changing that mindset. 

Then,  in addition to Chopra's book, check out the other resources below to get much deeper into this subject and take your health to the next level, so you can live to be 100, free from disease and the need for prescription medication.

A great new nutrition book based on the Paleo philosophy

Describes the latest on the cause and cure for heart disease

An essential guide for preventing and dealing with cancer

Helps change our "programming" to live longer without disease


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