is for real (this is a picture of the virus). And, yes, it is a real threat. There's no doubt about
it. People are dying and it is likely going to get worse before it gets
And, as with anything else in life, everyone reacts
differently to the issue - ranging all the way from getting "paralyzed"
by the situation to ignoring it completely. Neither of these extremes
are good.
Those people who are paralyzed won't go on an
airplane anymore, for example, because of the risk of getting infected. They watch the news constantly, following the endless stories about the situation (click here to learn why watching the news is never a good thing if you want to be happy).
They obsess about it constantly and live in total fear of death.
Then, on the other end of the spectrum, those who completely ignore it (or deny it), won't be prepared if (or when) the situation gets worse (see the resources in the amazon.com boxes at the lower left of this page to learn more about Ebola and how you can be prepared if the situation worsens).
titled this article, "How Ebola Can Make You Happy" because the bottom
line is that this serious situation represents some fundamental happiness tips and strategies. So, yes, the Ebola situation can make us happier.
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Ebola and Happiness
The Ebola situation raises several emotional and psychological issues related to happiness. I feel the main 3 are:
1. Live in the Moment
The first happiness-building lesson the Ebola situation raises relates to the concept of living in the moment.
If you live in the moment, you don't dwell in the past, and you don't worry about what might happen in the future. That's not easy for most people (but it is relatively simple and very possible) and is the subject of a separate article here at BeHappy101.com. Click here to check it out.
In addition to that article, here are some other great resources to help you live in the moment (everyone should read the first one - Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior - by Dan Millman)...
2. Be Grateful
The next part of the happiness-building issue exemplified by the Ebola situation is gratitude.
By being totally grateful for what's in your life right now, you can eliminate all unhappiness.
I teach you how to do this in my 5-part Happiness Formula Video Course, which you can get free by filling in the information in the boxes to the right and clicking on the "Send Me The FREE Videos" button. It has a whole module about gratitude. Fill in the boxes to the right and get it free now....
I also have a brief article about it here.
And then for even more help, here are some other great resources to help you be more grateful in your life...
3. Live Life!
Another way the Ebola situation can create happiness is by helping us "live life full out".
If, for example, you
found out today that you had a year to live, what would you do for the
next year? Most people would live a completely different life for the
next year than they have been living. They would do more things, have
more fun, and take more risks. They would "live life full out".
serious Ebola issue should make us all do that to a certain extent.
Maybe it can help us realize that life is precious and we should live it
full out everyday. Maybe we should always live as if we have a year to live
(again, without worrying about the future by living in the moment).
I know what many people are thinking. Many people think, "yeah
right" - I can't do that. I have real stress in my life. I have
serious responsibilities. I have I can't just forget all that and just "play" all the time.
I know about all these things. I, too, have
lots of stress in my life. I also have serious responsibilities. I
have the same type of "problems" and challenges as anyone else. And,
this Ebola issue has made me happier ... all because I practice what I
I live in the moment. I don't worry about the future or things out of my control. I don't watch the news. I am
very grateful for what I have in my life (even though everything is not
perfect). And, I live life full out (most of the time). I work hard and play hard. I
take risks. I experience new things. And, this Ebola situation has
helped me do all these things even more because it helps me realize that, really...
Life is great!
We all need to realize that ... and at the same time, take some reasonable steps to help prevent Ebola from infecting ourselves and our families (check out the resources to the left about the Ebola virus and how to protect yourself and your family if the situation gets worse).
BeHappy! my friends...
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If the information on this site helps you and you'd like to make a donation to BeHappy101.com (to help make others happy), please click on the button below to make a contribution. The amount you donate is entirely up to you. A portion will used to contribute to the happiness of others and is greatly appreciated. [WHY DONATE?] |