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The BeHappy! Newsletter, Issue #037
June 29, 2015

Creating A HAPPIER WORLD Day-by-Day

Volume 037
June 2015

Travel To Be Happier

Hi there...

If you’re one of the hundreds of new daily visitors to or a new subscriber to this BeHappy! Newsletter... welcome aboard! And, if you're one of the regular happy visitors to and have been a loyal subscriber to this newsletter, welcome back!!

I’m Jimmy, and my mission is to improve your life dramatically by making it a bit happier - or, better yet, a lot happier - everyday.

I am a doctor, corporate executive, entrepreneur, author, and speaker. My wife (Jill), our 8-year-old daughter (Joie), our 5-year-old daughter (Jae), and our 8-month old golden retriever (Jessy) live in Tampa Florida and Newport Beach California.

Through this newsletter, my website (, my books, E-Coaching, and other BeHappy! products, I am committed to improving the lives of as many people as possible. So, I would love to hear from you on how your life has changed by using the BeHappy! system, or how I can help improve your life more by making the system even better. Just click here to contact me and I’ll respond to you personally as soon as possible – or just give me your happiness tips, comments, suggestions, stories, or thoughts to share with others.

Here’s to your happiness and to having the kind of life you want to have!

BeHappy! my friends

Inside this Issue

Introduction to The BeHappy! Newsletter
(for new subscribers)

Happiness Facts

Follow Up to the Last Edition’s “Actions”

Travel To Be Happier

Actions for the Next 60 Days to BeHappy!

Recommended Resources

What's New at

INTRODUCTION for new subscribers
(prior subscribers – skip down to the “Happiness Facts” section)

The purpose of this newsletter is to provide a regular and consistent supplement to the action-oriented process found within my website - - and in my book, BeHappy!

It is intended to make a powerful contribution to the amount of joy and fulfillment in your daily life by providing regular tools, reminders, and strategies to:

Get my FREE 5-Part "Happiness Formula" Video Course by

clicking here
This is far beyond a “How To” concept. It is rather a “Do” system, which, when used in conjunction with the BeHappy! book and The Happiness Academy (coming later this year), helps create your own personal “Happiness Plan” for your life. If you want a template or “blueprint” for this Happiness Plan, click here and you can get it free.

Also, make sure to get my free “Happiness Formula” Video Course just by clicking on the link in the box above or just click here. It will change your whole perspective on happiness – and on life in general.

Since my goal is to help make people happier, though, it’s best to first get my book, BeHappy! to use along with the Happiness Plan template, the video course and the website to achieve maximum benefit (yes, that’s partly a sales pitch — but it’s true).

So, I'm making it a "no-brainer" for you to get
a FREE copy right now as a gift from me...

Just click on the "Order FREE Now" button below and I'll sign one for you and send it out right away!

And you'll also get a FREE copy of the two ebooks,
"BeHappy! at Work" and "A Guide to Healthy Living".

  • A series of intriguing studies has found that people planning or anticipating an upcoming trip tend to rate themselves happier than people who don't have a trip coming up.

  • Most of the happiness gleaned from vacations and travel is dependent upon the stress level of the vacation. Poorly planned and stressful vacations eliminate the positive benefit. The less the stress, the more likely you will experience a positive benefit from travel and free time.
Follow Up from the Last Edition of
The BeHappy! Newsletter

The previous edition of The BeHappy! Newsletter was about success.

Did you create your personal Definition of Happiness to find out how (or if) "success" (whatever that means to you) is important to your happiness? If not, you'll get another chance to do it with this edition of the newsletter, since travel - like success and your overall happiness - require a clear understanding of your personal Definition of Happiness.

Did you define success for yourself and list what accomplishments and achievements you need in your life? Have you created a plan for achieving the success you want?

All these actions, including the goal setting philosophy we discussed in the January issue of the newsletter, are important for success. So, make sure you know what success means to you, how "successful" you want to be in your life (or even if success is important to you), so you can live the life you want, and be happy!
Now, let's move on to the topic for this edition of The BeHappy! Newsletter...

Travel To Be Happier

It's June, so the kids are now out of school and many people are planning vacations. Many of those vacations include travel.

If your "Definition of Happiness" includes things like fun, adventure, variety, travel, or excitement … then you may want (or need) to "travel to be happier".

Everyone is different.

And, everyone needs different things in their life to be truly happy. I call this our personal Definition of Happiness. Everyone's definition is different. To find out yours (and get two free ebooks), just click on the "Get Access Now" button here...

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Is "travel" (or something related to travel) part of your personal Definition of Happiness?

I love to travel, for example. I think it's partly because "variety" and "adventure" are included in my "Definition of Happiness". I also have some very positive "neuroassociations" with "travel" from when I was a young boy. But some people simply don't like to travel. If that's the case for you, then the "benefits" that travel can bring may not be important to you. Still, whether you "love to travel" or not, read on to find out how travel can make you happier.

The Cost of Travel...

One of the issues to address with travel is that, first, it's usually not cheap - especially travel to "exotic", far-away places (fortunately, financial abundance and wealth are also part of my "Definition of Happiness", so one of my goals is to consistently increase my income and net worth, partly so I can afford to travel).

So, one strategy to pursue if travel is important to your life is to create the income and financial abundance needed to afford to travel. I know, that may be easier said than done, but it's important if there are things in your life you need that require the financial resources.

Another solution to this is to make low-cost travel plans. This is what we did when I was young. We had very little money and so we couldn't travel much. But my father had two weeks vacation every year and we used it to travel. It was the best two weeks of the entire year - for my whole family. We bonded more and had more variety in our lives than during any other time of the year. We created great memories and learned a lot, too. But we did it for very low cost. It was not extravagant by any means, but was still great fun.

Finding Time to Travel...

Then, there is the time involved. Many people are working so hard "for a living", that they don't have time "to live". That's one of the reasons I left the practice of medicine over two decades ago.

Yes, after spending many hard years of work and sacrifice to become a doctor, I decided there was too much I was missing in my life by being a practicing physician (again because I was not living consistent with my personal "Definition of Happiness") - travel (and variety) included.

That's another reason it is so important to set up your life and career consistent with your Definition of Happiness.

For me, I left medical practice and went into a career that allowed me to travel (actually it was required for my position). Since then, I have been all over the world - both "for work" and for pleasure. My wife and kids have even been able to travel with me on many occasions as part of my work. We even lived in a different country (Vancouver, Canada) for many years, which was an awesome experience.

The Benefits of Travel...

There are many benefits to travel, most of which can lead to a happier, more fulfilled, fun life.

First, if your "Definition of Happiness" involves travel, variety, adventure or something along these lines (as it does for me), it is important to find a way to travel - at least occasionally - if you want to be truly happy.

So, if your Definition of Happiness involves travel, variety, adventure or something along these lines, it is critical to find a way to make it happen on a regular basis if you want to be truly happy. This means you obviously have to know your personal Definition of Happiness in detail first.

Whether or not travel is not part of your "Definition of Happiness, though, there are many benefits travel can provide which could make you happier.

For example, travel can:
  • Provide knowledge and education you can't get any other way
  • Help with relaxation and stress management (depending on the type of travel)
  • Help "disconnect" from the demands of everyday life
  • Create lifetime memories
  • Make you learn more about yourself
  • Help you meet new people (establish unexpected relationships)

Yes, travel can help just about anyone be happier, more fulfilled, better educated, and less stressed.

So, consider it as part of your life ... regardless of your "Definition of Happiness", your financial situation, or other life circumstances. It could be one of the best things you ever did.


Like everything in life, the old saying, “practice makes perfect” applies to happiness, too. By using the tools and concepts in the book, BeHappy! - and applying the principles found at and in this bi-monthly newsletter - you'll get the coaching and the “practice” you need to lead the happiest possible life.

It takes daily action to get “perfect” at it, though.

So, if you have read previous editions of The BeHappy! Newsletter you know that every issue provides some simple action-oriented exercises for the next two months (until the next edition of the newsletter) which relate to the main subject of this edition of the newsletter to help make happiness a habit.

Just a few minutes of focus every day and you’ll be laying the foundation for the happiest possible life - both for yourself and for those you love.

If you do these things, I can promise you’ll notice a big difference in the quality of your life.

You will BeHappy!

Actions for the next 60 days:

Take these actions over the next sixty days and by the time you receive the next edition of the BeHappy! Newsletter (in August), you will have made great strides toward a happier and more fulfilled life.

Actions to Take:

1. Create your personal Definition of Happiness. Yes, this is the same first action as the previous edition of the newsletter on success. That's because you need to know this definition before you can create a plan to be as happy as possible in your life. So, if you haven't done it yet, click on the "Get Instant Access" button in the banner below now to learn how to create your personal Definition of Happiness - and get my two ebooks free as a gift) . Don’t wait. Do it now by clicking on the “Get Instant Access” button below and I’ll also send you the two ebooks shown absolutely FREE. So click on the "Get Instant Access" button here now...

2. Decide how travel could be included in your life. Could you travel once or twice a year? Do you want to travel more than that? Could you find a way to make travel part of your current job? Is it possible you need to start looking for a new job or career that involves travel (like I did)? Start thinking about it. If travel or anything related to travel are part of your Definition of Happiness then you must find a way if you want to be happy.

3. Start "dreaming" about places you want to go, things you want to see, and experiences you want to have. Write them down. Get specific. Picture yourself in those places. Start making it real by putting together a plan to make it happen - including the financial resources required and the time involved. Start setting it up, first in your head and on paper and later in reality.

Take these actions now and start planning your next "trip" over the next 60 days to make travel part of your life, if it isn't already, or to get started on planning your next trip (since that's a big part of happiness, according to research studies). You can also check out some of the great resources below to help you get started.

Recommended Resources:

The Essential Travel Planning Checklist: Know Before You Go

How To Travel The World (Almost) For Free

I Was Here - A Travel Journal For The Curious-Minded

Travel Around The World: How to Travel in Luxury, Save Money, and Make Memories That Will Last Forever (Budget Friendly Travel Guides)

And, once again, if you haven’t yet read my foundational book, BeHappy! there is now NO EXCUSE since you can get a FREE autographed copy just by clicking on the "Order FREE Now!" button below (and you’ll also get A Guide to Healthy Living and Be Happy at Work as free gifts, too).

I have made it a no-brainer by setting aside some copies to give away to my loyal subscribers and visitors to my website. So get your FREE COPY now by clicking on the "Order Free Now!" button here...


Every issue of this newsletter will keep you up to date on new stuff at so you can get maximum benefit from the BeHappy! system. You can access any of these quickly by just clicking on the links in the list below.

Here's what's new at
  • A whole new "look and feel" will be coming to by the end 2015, so be on the lookout for some great changes to the website over the next six months. I think you'll like it.
  • Make sure you get my FREE Happiness Formula Video Course...A 5-Part video course on my “formula for happiness” by clicking here. It’s a gift from me for being a loyal subscriber.
  • As always, there are new Quotes & Poems added to the website every month or two. At this point, there are well over 1,500 quotes there for you to read, use, and share. Click here to read the latest collection of quotes on happiness, success, wealth, motivation, and spirituality.
  • The Happiness Academy...A complete 6-month "happiness course" which will transform your life (I was hoping this would be ready to start by now, but I am behind and I am targeting the the second half of this year to get it going). Just click on the red button here to check it out (and get in on my early enrollment discount)...
And much, much more.

So until the next edition of The BeHappy! Newsletter in August...

Thanks for being a loyal subscriber!

BeHappy! my friends

If the information here at helps you and you'd like to make a donation to help make others happy, please click on the "DONATE" button below to make a contribution. The amount you give is entirely up to you, and would be greatly appreciated. A portion of the proceeds will used to contribute to the happiness of others.

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This site is not intended to provide medical, psychological, financial, legal, or any other professional advice or treatment. The content here and at is designed solely to provide general happiness, personal development, and quality-of-life information which can support, but not replace, medical, psychological, financial, legal or other professional consultation or advice. If you need professional advice in any of these areas, please seek qualified assistance and consultation.

I'm Jimmy, the founder and creator of this site and the whole BeHappy! system. My life's purpose is to be a positive, creative force for health and happiness and through this website, my books, coaching, and happiness-building programs, I intend to help as many people as possible live their happiest possible lives.

Click here to learn more.

You'll be helping me help others like you. Let's spread health, happiness, and abundance around the world together. By donating just a few dollars, you will help keep this newsletter alive and help people all over the world to be happy! Any amount is greatly appreciated.

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