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Mastermind Group to be Successful (and Happy)

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In his classic book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill introduces the concept of a Mastermind Group, intended to accelerate one's path to wealth and success. The basic premise is that the collective minds of the group are synergistic and can do much more (exponentially more) than expected.  Get a free copy of Think and Grow Rich by clicking here.  

For 3 more FREE books (an autographed copy of BeHappy! and the two ebooks, Be Happy at Work and A Guide to Healthy Living) just click on the "Order Free Now!" button in the box to the right.

Napoleon Hill defines the mastermind as, "coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony,between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose".

Here's how a mastermind group works:

A group of people meet regularly (twice weekly, weekly, monthly, etc.) to discuss various topics related to life, its challenges and problems, relationships, opportunities, passions, business issues, and more.

They brainstorm, give advice, network, and interact in such a way that results in a significant benefit to all members of the group - both personally and professionally.  

Although not the intent, many times members of a mastermind group will end up doing business together when it's appropriate. It’s very much a peer-to-peer "mentoring" process and if you are get into one, you will most likely see a marked change in yourself and your personal and business success.

Here are some great resources to help you build and run your own Mastermind Group...


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